Update on Dame BL anthology release date.

Great news as I got home today—-the release of Dame BL anthology’s release is finally announced! \*w*/

Got this information on Psyche Delico’s blog.

Her contributed story is about a trans man and a gay man ajsfhhjdjfh. Omg. I really can’t wait to get this book. /;w;\

Also, I got to see Kumota Haruko’s work for Dame BL a few days ago →  click! <33

She was actually the one I was stalking on twitter about the release information since Bookman doesn’t really update much about the release date, err. ;; She tweeted a few days ago that the release date was still indefinite so I was praying that they won’t delay it too much. ;;

I hope they won’t move the release anymore! ;u; I’m really excited to know the other mangakas who contributed—well, you guys know those who I’m expecting. :>


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