Reviews: 一途恋愛自覚ナシ!~Ichizu Renai Jikaku Nashi!~ (バーズコミックス リンクスコレクション)

First off, a very Happy New Year to everyone~! How was your first few days of 2012? For me I was pretty much bombarded with death photography plates of doom + a few other school works. 8D

Moving on, “Ichizu Renai Jikaku Nashi!” (10/11) is Rokuro Kuro’s debut tankoubon release from Lynx. It consists of 3 main stories and 5 all in all. Tbh, I didn’t really include this in my list of debut releases to-buy but I’m so glad I decided to buy it. (*´▽`*)

Okay so the first story, “Ichizu Renai Jikaku Nashi“, follows the story of childhood friends Kozuka and Sasamoto. Judging from their looks, you’ll really wonder why they hang out together since their looks are pretty much the total opposite of each other: Kozuka looks like your typical black-haired, glasses-wearing obedient honor student while on the other hand, Sasamoto is the typical light brown hair-colored delinquent.

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BL updates

These are the days when there’s nothing really much to update. But thankfully I got to stumble upon some exciting release announcements today so…

→ First off, Lynx already posted their new covers in their site. As expected from Madarame Hiro, the covers for “Beautiful Days” are really pretty! *u* The Christmas present special in Lynx’s new issue (which is out today) sounds really interesting unfortunately I don’t buy Lynx so I won’t know how the special present feature goes. /sob

→ For Kitabeppu Nica fans, Citron already posted her special page—click! And as for the cover of her upcoming release, “Ojisan wa Wasuremono no Naka“…

Adorable cover *q* I cannot wait to see the second cover from Animate! ;u; I’m not familiar with Animate since I don’t really get to buy from them so I don’t really how they usually do the double cover feature. ;; Together with her 10th comic release celebration, if you buy her previous release “Hibari Hinadori Sudatsu Hi ni“, it includes a special manga paper of the said previous title and her upcoming release, “Ojisan wa Wasuremono no Naka“. *u*

→ Nobara Aiko is in COMIC Be’s first issue—click! *u* it features an interview and a special extra from her previous release, “Akiyama-kun“. I haven’t read it up to now sadly. ;n; I just got to order it a week ago and I’m really expecting to get my copy next week. *n*

covers + releases

Finally got around making a decent release update (since I’ve been spamming you guys with covers lately sob).

→ First off from Lynx, pretty (bigger version) covers for Nimoda Ai’s “Trouble x Prince” and Katsuragi’s “Heart wo Sagashite mo” has been posted~! \*A*/


That Katsuragi cover! /;w;\ I’ve been meaning to read her works ever since I’ve seen her cover for “Kimi Nashi ja Irarenai“. But lamely forgot buying it sob. ;; For Nimoda Ai’s cover, I actually expected more but nonetheless it still looks gorgeous. *o*

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Reviews: 君色リアル。~Kimi Iro Real~ (バーズコミックス リンクスコレクション)

Finally got to make this review I’ve been wanting to talk to you guys about. ;u;

Anyway, “Kimiiro Real” is Yamano Deco’s first ever tankoubon release through Lynx (8/24). I randomly included it in my orders last September since I’m a sucker for new mangakas (with cute art styles) and I just can’t help but get myself a copy whenever someone gets to have their very first tankoubon release. orz; I only got to read this a few days ago, and since school got in the way (as usual), I only managed to finish it recently.

Okay so let me just say how much I enjoyed this manga—it’s just so cute and Yamano Deco’s art style is very adorable!! ;u; (I’m sorry if I use the words “cute” and “adorable” too much in my entries sob) I kind of talked about it in my tumblr a few days ago as well, lol.

So the tankoubon consists of 3 oneshots and a side story. Tbh, I kind of had a hard time reading since  tend to read slow when there’s furigana (yes, I’m the opposite sob) and it’s in kansai dialect—which I find rather difficult to understand sometimes—so forgive me if I messed up some parts in the review. orz;

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Reviews: Calling (バーズコミックス リンクスコレクション)

Calling” is Ootsuki Miu’s sixth tankoubon release and her third through Lynx Comics (please correct me if I’m wrong). This is actually my very first time to read anything from her since some people have been asking me why don’t I mention Ootsuki Miu that much (because according to them, her stories are just my type, lol).

Obviously, a lot of people have read this already so this review will be short unlike my usual ones since I’ll only be sharing a few thoughts about this tankoubon and how Ootsuki Miu finally got to have a place in my heart. ;u;

Let me just start off with my first impressions about Ootsuki Miu. When I first saw her works online, I really thought her art was cute, and since I’m a sucker for ukes with feminine features, I didn’t hesitate to get myself a copy of her works.

I’ve also read other people’s opinions about her art style. According to them, those thick long eyelashes and feminine features kind of freak them out. ;;;

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